Grupeer Review
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What does “peer to peer credit” mean?

A peer-to-peer (P2P) or peer-to-peer (“peer to peer lending”) loan is a loan that is brokered between private individuals (peer). This is largely dispensed with the bank as a middleman. On peer-to-peer platforms, the mediation and examination of loans are carried out, with the entire process usually being carried out via the Internet.

Peer to Peer Online Marketplace

The peer-to-peer online marketplace model offers individuals with a loan the opportunity to find private investors on a single platform to finance their loans. For this purpose, a project, including description and securities, can be set to convince interested. In most cases, the peer to peer platform itself determines the interest rate that the initiator has to pay by soliciting credit information. According to Grupeer Review , possible loan amount and maximum duration vary depending on the platform, but can usually be chosen by the borrower.

Investors can usually invest even small

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