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jasa buat website

Construction and history of internet sites

In our modern era, technology plays a huge role in which it makes the public’s job easier. Websites can be defined as it is an online site that helps us to find our necessity through online mode—for example, Amazon, Flip cart, etc.

What is the definition of web development?

jasa buat website

Web development is a process which builds and runs the sites by using some coding language like Java, Python, etc. In our daily life, we may use some online applications or websites, which seems very complicated for us. From seeing outside, it may look so challenging to understand. A web developer builds the whole structure of a website. For example, jasa buat website . These are all some examples of a website that exists.

Web development construction

The web is mainly developed with three factors they are client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database technology.

  • Client-side script is also known as front
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