Care home hemel Hempstead

Oral care Practice in Care Homes

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Care home hemel Hempstead

The primary functions of the mouth are food mastication and communication, all of which require sufficient salivation and include the lips, tongue, and teeth or dentures. Tongue and oral mucosa should be pink and moist, with smooth and moist lips and fresh teeth or close-fitting dentures in a safe mouth. Difficulties swallowing or eating can make it difficult to keep the mouth healthy, as debris can change the pH, and a lack of food intake can minimize salivary flow.

  • Age is a factor.

Owing to dexterity issues, older people and very young children can have trouble handling their oral treatment and being unable to tell their caregivers in Care home hemel Hempstead when they are in pain. Denture wearers are often more likely to develop chronic atrophic candidosis because the acrylics in their dentures provide ideal conditions for Candida albicans to thrive.

  • Unhealthy eating habits

Inadequate dietary intake decreases saliva secretion, whereas a lack of vitamins and minerals may make patients more susceptible to infection and malnutrition.

  • Medical problems

Immunosuppression caused by illnesses like HIV, leukemia, diabetes, and cancer and their therapies, such as radiotherapy, can affect hydration and oral flora, placing patients at risk of infection or malnutrition. Saliva development and function will be reduced as a result of dehydration or a lack of oral intake.

When do you brush your teeth?

There is a paucity of evidence and agreement on the frequency of oral treatment that will bring the greatest benefit to patients (Evans, 2001). Plaque build-up and gingivitis have been detected in safe gums 2-4 days after oral care has been discontinued. Brushing your teeth twice a day is recommended, and it is well known that doing so after each meal helps prevent infections.

Dehydration, mouth ventilation, and oxygen therapy can improve the level of oral treatment to keep patients comfortable and reduce the possibility of more complications. Maintaining patients’ regular grooming routine as a minimum tends to be the best practice, although this is contingent on their habit of brushing twice a day.

Antibacterial mouthwashes are effective antibacterial agents, but repeated use can cause reversible tooth staining and damage natural microorganisms throughout the oral cavity.

Brush your teeth

Even when a person cannot brush their teeth, a small, gentle toothbrush may remove plaque and debris from the surfaces and crevices of teeth with minimal gingival trauma. Some electric toothbrushes are more effective than traditional brushes at removing plaque. Electric toothbrushes are appropriate for patients who lack the skill or technique to use a manual toothbrush.


The removal of debris from between-teeth spaces is successful in reducing plaque build-up and the risk of gingivitis.


Fluoride protects gums and teeth, preventing dental caries, and toothpaste containing it should be used. It only takes a pea-sized number.

Gauze and forceps

Forceps and gauze washing is ineffective, and the scrubbing action is likely to cause oral tissue trauma. Nurses are often at risk of being bitten by patients while using this form.

Moisturizers for the oral cavity

Sucking ice chips or pineapple is recommended for patients who suffer from dry mouth due to several treatments. Even though it replaces moisture, it lacks the antibacterial qualities of natural Saliva.